Monday, March 2, 2015

3 Ways Marketing Can Increase Your Productivity

What Marketing Has To Do With Productivity

In this day and age every business or marketing professional should be making every effort to increase their overall productivity levels. 

This may mean shutting off all things that can be deemed as distractions.

I know, this is easier said than done especially if what I'm about to reveal as distractions are not seen as a distraction to you. 

alt="Kimberly Collins The Educated Natural"
For example, many entrepreneurs rely heavily on social media as their key means to reach their target audience or desired customer.

I can totally relate to this method of marketing; however, social media can also be a major distraction if the entrepreneur is not using it productively. 

It makes no sense to spend hours on Facebook and the entrepreneur is not making a return on their investment.

This is a clear sign that it's time for that business person to find another avenue that will bring in a more sustainable ROI. 

Okay, enough rambling....

Allow me to breakdown my 3 key ways marketing can help with productivity in your business right now!

1. Formulate A Marketing Strategy That Measures Productivity

In business it's important that entrepreneurs are accountable for all their marketing expenditures. Many businesses fail because of lackluster marketing actions or bad business financial models.

To rectify this issue, entrepreneurs must formulate a tactical marketing strategy that influences their target market's respect for the brand and overall level of satisfaction. Business professionals may choose to implement loyalty programs, brand initiatives, and various promotional methods as a way to gauge whether or not their strategies are working. Once the winning strategic element is implemented, the entrepreneur will see a dramatic increase in sales, revenue and of course ROI (return on investment). 

2. Monitor Your Website Analytics of Marketing Campaigns

Determining how many people are visiting your business website is crucial. Nothing is worst than investing money in a website that no one knows about let alone visits. One of the key ways to track your website analytics is by using programs such as Google Analytics. However, to get people to your website to track takes creativity.

For instance, to get people to your website consider running various marketing campaigns. Giveaways are a great example of this. Campaigns not only entice your current target market but they also increasing your chances that additional potential customers will purchase your product or service as well. As the campaigns are running the entrepreneur is able to see which campaigns worked and which ones did not so that adjustments can be made for increased productivity. 

3. Increase Marketing Value By Removing Waste

If you want to be successful in business you have to create an environment where value outweighs waste. Value is content, products, and/or services that your target market craves and you supply. Waste is anything that is not of value to the target market. In doing so, you cut down on the possibility of loosing your customers to your competitors. Customers love it when the companies they do business with put their customer needs first and offer solutions to their problems. This alone will increase a business's productivity. Getting rid of what is clogging up your business and preventing growth (redundancies) is a major time saver. 

How Productivity Pays The Bills

Here at T.E.N Marketing, LLC we specialize in help entrepreneurs, organizations, small and medium size business owners, discover how to increase the growth of their businesses daily.

This is to include an increase in revenue, sales, brand awareness, ROI, investors, customers, productivity...etc.
We offer valuable insight about which marketing tactics will save them money and give their business the most bang for their buck. 

Lastly, we help the business professional understand the process of what it takes to transition a lead through a set marketing funnel right into their sales funnel. 

This is a very important technique to know!

As I always say, "a successful business is determined by a successful sale. Without a sale you fail".

I hope this post has inspired you to take the necessary steps to make your business a long lasting productive legacy.

I encourage you to click here for additional information about how T.E.N Marketing can help you transition, transform, and transcend your life and business today!

Need more tips on how to grow your business? Check out my post The Top 3 Proven Digital Marketing Tools Entrepreneurs Should Be Using

Are you ready to increase your productivity? Would love to hear your thoughts and comments below!

Enjoy Your Journey!

alt="T.E.N Marketing LLC"

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How To Be An Effective Coach and Mentor

The Title of Coach and Mentor

Everywhere you look it seems the marketplace is full “Coaches”.

Yes; you name it every sector has a coach....

Life Coach 
Business Coach 
Financial Coach 
Religious Coach 

…I’m sure you get the idea by now right?

It really makes you wonder why are there so many people in the world defining themselves as a “coach”.

Well; quite honestly, there has been an increase in the amount of people that are lost and truly need someone in their life guiding them like a coach of a sports team does their players.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this by the way!

Believe it or not we all need a coach or mentor to help us along our journey and to help us see our full potential.

Let’s face it life can be challenging and without specific directions we can find ourselves stuck between a rock and hard place. To lessen the possibility of other people facing this fate specialists in various sectors have turned to be the guiding light for those that are in a dark place by becoming coaches and mentors.

Coaching is a very serious ordeal. By entitling oneself as a “coach” you are telling people that you are the “guru” or strategist in a particular field.

Basically you are telling the world…You Are Neo The Chosen One in your field of expertise.

According to researchers:

“Coaching is task oriented. The focus is on concrete issues, such as managing more effectively, speaking more articulately, and learning how to think strategically. This requires a content expert (coach) who is capable of teaching the coachee how to develop these skills.

Mentoring is relationship oriented. It seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentoree shares whatever issues affect his or her professional and personal success. Although specific learning goals or competencies may be used as a basis for creating the relationship, its focus goes beyond these areas to include things, such as work/life balance, self-confidence, self-perception, and how the personal influences the professional” (Management Mentors).

However, let me issue you a WORD OF CAUTION

Make sure you study and know you stuff because being a coach or mentor due to the attached cloak of responsibility.

If you haven’t done your research to be deemed a viable coach in a field then please refrain from wearing the title.

Don’t let the popularity of a word such as “Life Coach” cause you to bite off more than you can chew or are prepared to endure.

There is nothing more disheartening than to seek the counsel of a person calling themselves a particular type of “coach” just to find out this person is a perpetrator.


I highly recommended that you realize that as a coach and mentor your words MUST measure up to your message.

Don’t give out information that will misguide people and leave them in a worst situation than they were when they connected with you.

If you are going to wear the title then you must put in the work that goes along with it.

Bottom line, people need more life guidance not more life confusion.

Coaches and mentors are seen as an individual’s life line.

Yes; being a coach and mentor is just that serious and should never be taken lightly.

Depending on the sector of expertise coaches and mentors hold the very essence of a person’s life in their hands.

One misguided message from the coach and the individual could suffer irreparable damages.

So ask yourself are you prepared to tackle the additional responsibility and live with the overall outcome?

The Difference Between A Coach and A Mentor

Should You Become A Coach or Mentor?

Well…that depends on you and if you are willing to do what it takes to be either.

As I have mentioned before neither title is to be taken lightly. Both sectors equally require hard work, dedication, and most importantly applicable training.

Despite my initial thoughts, I can attest to the fact that the marketplace can definitely benefit from the increase of more skilled coaches and mentors.

Therefore, let me be the first to welcome you into a new realm of coaching and mentoring!

Personally, I think both are two of the most rewarding titles in business!

I Want To Be Your Coach and Mentor

If you are ready to build your own legacy in life and business I am the coach for you!

As a Business Coach and Marketing Strategist I am here to help you transform your dreams into a living masterpiece. Simply click here for more information on how I can help you can get started today.


Enjoy Your Journey!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Top 3 Proven Digital Marketing Tools Entrepreneurs Should Be Using

Which Digital Marketing Tools Work In 2014?

Did you know that digital marketing tools are quite relevant in today's businesses? With social media platforms becoming the most popular entities on the internet, business owners are ingeniously using them to communicate with their customers on a personal basis.  Most importantly, digital marketing allows business professionals to assess which marketing strategies are beneficial and which ones need to be revamped. If utilized correctly, digital marketing tools can be the highest rated technique that makes the greatest impact for a business.

Well, let's not waste anymore time...

Below are the 3 marketing tools that every business professional should implement in their business today.

1) Valuable Content Is An Must Have Digital Marketing Tool

We have all heard the term "content is key" right? Truth be told, valuable content reigns supreme in the any business's repertoire of digital marketing tools.

When it comes to content it's imperative that the information provided is original, comprehensive, intriguing, and causes your target market to feel compelled to engage with your business.

Quality content effectively gains the trust and respect from your target market; which in turns increase a business's brand name and awareness.

2) Say Yes To Social Media Marketing

Business owners that really want to connect with their customers are already using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram. 

Social media platforms help businesses build a one on one relationship with their customers.

In the past, there was a distinct split between bigtime corporations and their customers.

Due to the influential nature of social media, that is no longer the case.

Today, businesses are more inclined to listen and design marketing strategies tailored towards their customers needs and wants versus their own.

Bottom line, if a business truly want to connect with their customers then social media is the way to go.

3) Re-Targeting Information To Your Customers

A new digital marketing trend you will notice online is re-targeting (re-marketing). This technique occurs when businesses show targeted ads to customers based on websites they have visited while surfing the internet.

Believe it or not re-targeting is a powerful tool that enables businesses to sell specific products or services that are tailored to their customers interest.

This enables your business products or services to always be in the view of those that are looking for what your business offers.  The visual below was created by Total Market Exposure which illustrates the basis of how re-targeting works.

Re-Targeting Method

Digital Marketing Creates A New Business Outlook

Implementing any of the above 3 digital marketing tools is a huge step in the right direction for any business seeking to reach their customers on a massive scale. Most importantly, let's not forget that these strategies help bridge the gap between a business's brand and the desire to meet the expectations of their customers.

Digital marketing doesn't have to complicated or overly expensive.

In many cases these tools are free and can become a functioning part of any business in a matter of minutes.

Trust me, as long as a business owner does analytic research that identifies which marketing methods work best for their brand they will have no trouble creating a new outlook for their business in the eyes of their customers.


When it comes to marketing things are only as complicated as you make them!

Enjoy Your Journey!

Kimberly Collins, The Educated Natural

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Journey: How To Trust, Be Faithful & Never Give Up

Do You Know How To Trust, Be Faithful, & Never Give Up?

Life and business can throw you some pretty tough situations that may impact your trust, faith, and overall psyche. However, these stumbling block are there to make you stronger and give you a never give up attitude. Whenever, times get rough I advise you to get tougher! Hold on tight and make sure your rope is anchored in the right place.

 Get This Book!

Build Your Trust On Things Eternal & Remain Steadfast

Here is a powerful video that talks about how important it is to trust in yourself, your higher power and no matter what comes your way...


Trust, Believe, Keep The Faith & Succeed 

Now that you have been inspired to always trust, believe, remain faithful, and never give up it is time for you to go out their with a renewed winning attitude. Your success is right around the corner waiting on you to come and claim it!

Remember Benjamin Spock said...

"Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do".

I tend to agree with his concept! You hold the key to your destiny!

Bottom line, you must make the affirmation...

"What God Has For Me It Is For Me!" Miami Mass Choir

Well, go on...

Make your personal I AM affirmation in the comments below!

Enjoy Your Journey!

alt="Kimberly Collins The Educated Natural"
Kimberly Collins The Educated Natural CEO, T.E.N Marketing, LLC

Monday, October 6, 2014

4 Strategies That Determine If Your Business Needs A Marketing Professional

alt="4 Strategies For Marketing Professionals in Business"

In any business it is significantly important to know and understand just how important marketing is. No sustainable business thrives and increases in revenue without the expertise of a marketing department or marketing professional. I know, you are thinking that this information is Business 101. However,  despite the importance of marketing, there remains an alarming amount of business professionals that miss the mark in this.

Did you know entrepreneurs, small business owners, and other entities as such will spend months writing their business plan and only a few days to weeks writing their marketing plan?
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Many feel that their brand name, products, or services will sell itself!

Well, trust me when I tell you this but if you fail to put in the required time and effort into the marketing practices of a business the business will eventually be deemed a less valuable source in the marketplace. 

In other words the business will become like the first slice of bread...seen but often unused. 

alt="daily bread"

Do not become a victim of this mishap!

Follow these 4 strategies to help you determine if your business requires the skillful tactics of a marketing professional.

1. Failed Advertisement Campaigns

When it comes to running any sort of advertisement campaign you have to understand cost, demographics, target industry and the overall purpose of the advertisement. This measure has to be done prior to purchasing the advertisement. For some reason, businesses ignore this marketing strategy and dive head first into the next big advertising venue. In the end, the business suffers a major financial lose; which damages the economic standing of the entire organization.  

The Moral of This Story: If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail!

2. Failed Promotional Strategies

The purpose of a promotional strategy is to keep your products or services in the eyesight of your customers. Just like advertising campaigns, promotional strategies give a business the additional opportunity to increase sales, publicity, image and brand awareness.

However, 9 times out of 10 a business will not promote their products or services in enough marketing mediums such as rebates, contests, discount coupons,...etc.

For instance, a business may only run a coupon promotion once every six months but neglect to do any other promotions in between that time period such as radio promotions or contests.

The Moral of This Story: If You Snooze...You Lose! 

3. Negative Public Relations

Public relations (PR) is quite simple to understand. It's basically how the public relates to the image of your company. For instance, when a customer discusses your company with their peers are their reviews positive or negative? 

Did you know this review can make or break the overall image of a company?

I am sure you have read reviews of a company and based on the shared information it determined whether or not you conducted business with them.

Many businesses nowadays forgot how powerful negative press and Internet reviews can have on the total company's well-being. 

Believe me when I tell you that if issues in a business are not corrected accordingly, negative PR can lead to the total destruction of a business in mere moments.

The Moral of This Story: Negative PR = Negative Revenue!

4. Declining Sales

Let's face it, in any business you want to make sales. The last thing you want is to develop products or offer a service that does not equate to a profit. 

After all you are in business...right?

However, for some reason businesses at some point will experience a decrease in sales.

This could be due to various reason, nevertheless if a business fails to pinpoint the cause they could eventually reach the point of no return and dismantle.

If a business is experiencing a decrease in sales, one of the first things I recommend they do is contact their customers and inform them about the benefits of having the product or service. 

The customer may have forgotten about the unique features or benefits your items provides them.

A friendly reminder may be in order and could quite possibly turn your declining sales around.

The Moral of This Story: Building Stronger Customer Relationships Will Increase Sales!

What would you say are other tell-tell signs a business may require the assistance of a marketing professional? Add your comments below!

alt="Kimberly Collins The Educated Natural
Kimberly Collins, MBA
CEO, T.E.N Marketing, LLC